This large 10.5″x14″ full color calendar contains many of my new paintings from the past year. You can easily pick yours up for only $5 each at the Indiana State Fair inside the DNR building. If you aren’t able to make it to the fair, no worries. You can get yours by clicking the button above and have it shipped to you at $5 ea + $5 S&H. The reasonable price for this calendar is made possible by the great sponsors to the right.
More details about the calendar project follow. This is a great way to enjoy my artwork throughout the year. Order yours now!
The Indiana State Fair usually signals the time that summer vacations draw to an end and the kids are returning to school. For me, it marks a proud fundraising partnership I have had with a great Indiana organization over the last 10+ years as they kick off their annual calendar sale. The Indiana Hunter Education Association utilizes its presence in the DNR building at the Indiana State Fair to educate and promote responsible stewardship of our natural resources.
The sale of these calendars at the State Fair and by mail order help to defray the cost of IHEA programs. The calendar runs from September through August to correspond with the beginning of the hunting seasons which also doubles as a very convenient school calendar. Important hunting dates and events as well as fun nature facts pepper the calendar throughout. My paintings of nature scenes have been the hallmark of the artwork featured in the calendar. You can pick up your full color 10″x14″ calendars at the State Fair DNR building for only $5.
Perhaps you belong to an organization looking for a successful fundraiser or you are just looking for a unique personalized gift for clients. Consider contacting us and begin a conversation on how you can feature the artwork of Anthony J. Padgett in a successful calendar program and tailor fit it with dates and events important to your group.
That’s all for now. Thanks for tuning in!